Welcome to Sweat Relief. Here you will find the best products you can find to help you get relief on the those extra sweaty days. I personally know the embarrassment and discomfort that can arise when you break out in sweat. I've been suffering from Hyperhydrosis since I was in high school. The reason I started this website, is because I wanted to help others who have the same condition. After years of buying products and having different procedures, I wanted to share which ones gave me results. If you are an early viewer of the this site, please revisit later as more content is added. Thanks and I hope my experiences help you with your journey
Do you have a story to share? Sweat Relief is looking for you. I am considering adding a blogging section were I and others can share there stories dealing with excessive sweating. It helps to know others stories and how they deal with it. If anyone reading this is interested in providing a post, please email me through the contact page. Please provide:
-Details on what you want to write about
-Brief details about you
All I ask is that it is original material. If you want to submit and article, please contact me